
The EXPOWER project combines a broad spectrum of key research and training activities on Multi-Exponential Analysis with applications in industry, that are currently being undertaken in some premier research institutes.

Multi-exponential analysis might sound remote, but it touches our daily lives in many surprising ways, even if most people are unaware of how important it is. For example, a substantial amount of effort in signal processing and time series analysis is essentially dedicated to the analysis of multi-exponential functions. Multi-exponential analysis is also fundamental to several research fields and application domains that are the subject of the EXPOWER proposal: remote sensing, antenna design, digital imaging, testing and metrology, all impacting some major societal or industrial challenges such as energy, transportation, space research, health and telecommunications.

The EXPOWER project connects 9 countries, 8 universities, 3 international research institutes and 7 companies to explore this highly relevant thematic (see expower.eu).


In the SPARSIT project we study parametric methods to retrieve high-resolution information from coarse-scale measurements using uniform downsampling by exploiting aliasing. The technique can be combined with different multi-exponential analysis methods. The method is patented and the SPARSIT project explores its use in computational science and engineering (see sparsit.com).