Mini-symposium : Adaptive modelling and applications​


11.00-11.30Compact Surrogate Modeling of Passive Electronic Components (Tom Dhaene)
11.30-12.00Numerical methods for coupled circuit and interconnect simulations (W.H.A. Schilders)
12.00-12.30Orthogonal Polynomials and Signal Processing (Vigdis Brevik Petersen)
12.30-13.00Coffee break
13.00-13.30Inverting a multidimensional shape from moments (Annie Cuyt, Gene Golub, Peyman Milanfar and Brigitte Verdonk)
13.30-14.00Moment-based algorithms for computing orthogonal rational functions (Joris Van Deun and Adhemar Bultheel)
14.00-14.30On the Application of Rational Interpolation to Root-Finding Problems in Microwave Engineering (P. Meyer, R. Lehmensiek and W. Steyn)